Collection: Use your Tools

We have All the GoodT Things we need. Our tools will serve us when we serve them. Reciprocity! The tools we highlight in this collection are:

Ori: The Yoruba word for "head" and refers to one's spiritual intuition and destiny.

Egun/Egungun: The Yoruba word for an ancestor(s).

Egbe: The Yoruba word meaning society or groups and refers to our spirit group or comrades associated with us from Orun (heaven).

Orisa: A Yoruba word that can be translated to mean "Owner of the spirit of the head". In Ifa and other African traditional religions, orisa are deities within the tradition such as Orunmilla, Esu, Oya, Sango, Yemoja, Osun, etc.

One of our favorite aspects of this collection is that a few tees were named after our favorite priests. We honor you as you wear the reminder!